  • Interior Design Educator
  • Lighting Consultant
  • Kitchen and Bath Designer
  • Design Consultant
  • Business Owner
  • Art Director
  • Design Manager

For individuals who


Looking for

Coursework in design, visual and technical communication techniques, 以及在专业环境中的实践经验和出国留学的机会.

To become

  • Interior Designer
  • Marketing and Design Specialist
  • Retail Merchandiser
  • Production Designer
  • Project Manager

Background Information

该方案的重点是提高生活质量,保护人类健康和安全,通过室内环境的设计. Students study design fundamentals, theory, process, communication, research, 以及为所有人识别和解决各种物理室内环境问题的技术.

The Program

建筑系提供室内设计认可的本科学位课程. 前两年的课程介绍设计的基本原理, visual and technical communication techniques (including drafting, model building, rendering, computer-aided design), 以及理论和实际乐虎集团(包括人体测量学), ergonomics, inclusive design, interior design technology, and color theory). 每个学生都意识到室内设计专业是非常复杂的, 与设计专业人士和相关学科合作,以团队方式解决问题是常规做法.

Beginning their first year through their final semester, students interact with professionals during industry tours, critiques, and guest speaking events, providing a direct connection to the interior design profession. 高年级的课程工作集中在一系列综合工作室体验和包括历史在内的配套课程上, evidence-based design, interior materials, professional practice, building information modeling and interior systems. The studio experience culminates in a senior capstone project. 工作室经验要求每个学生接触到不同复杂程度和不同客户项目目标的各种项目.

Field Experience

乐虎电子室内设计专业的学生需要在课程的第三年到第四年之间完成实地体验. 学生在美国和国外接受各种各样的职位. 学生在洛杉矶等地完成了实地实习, Minneapolis, Denver, Florida, New York and Ireland.

Selective Admission

进入第二年的专业课程是在第一年的预专业课程结束时,基于表现出的专业兴趣和参与, a 3.0 institutional cumulative GPA, a minimum grade of C in all major core requirements, and a student portfolio. Students must maintain the 3.最低累积GPA要求为0,在余下的课程中,所有主要核心要求的成绩都达到C或更高.


所有学生都需要在开始课程之前购买一台笔记本电脑. Students must be in compliance with the computer requirements posted on the program website. Computers failing to be in compliance will not be supported.


NDSU的室内设计专业获得了室内设计认证委员会(CIDA)的认证,并于2024年获得了重新认证. 该课程还获得了全国艺术与设计学院协会(NSAD)的认证。.

Career Opportunities

设计专业人士通常选择的三个主要职业道路包括住宅, commercial, and specialized design. Residential design includes kitchen and bath design, renovation for physically challenged, model homes or historical restoration. Commercial design includes corporate and executive offices, healthcare, retail facilities, institutional transportation, and hospitality and entertainment venues. Other areas of specialty design include lighting, codes, universal design, adaptive reuse, product design or product representation.

新大毕业生的工作机会因实习的地理区域和具体职位的职责而异. 应届毕业生已经接受了起薪高达50美元的入门级职位,000 (Minneapolis).

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

NDSU学生在当地参加了美国室内设计师协会(ASID)的学生分会。. 学生也有机会参加北达科他州室内设计师(NDID)组织. 每年都有许多专业人士访问校园,向学生介绍课程和信息研讨会. Trips are planned to design studios, 建筑公司和产品市场作为课程的补充. NDSU鼓励室内设计专业的学生参加设计比赛,并且成功率很高.

The Facilities

NDSU的设施和教学设施是中西部地区最好的. 室内设计资源中心配备了当前样品和虚拟产品库. 工作室提供个人工作站和工具,以完成成功的设计解决方案.

The Faculty

NDSU教师拥有室内设计或相关领域的最终学位,并因其作为室内设计师的个人和集体经验以及他们对教学的承诺而被选中. 他们都是专业设计相关组织的成员.

Introductory Curriculum

A suggested curriculum is provided. Other general education combinations are possible, 但是从秋季开始的八个连续学期的室内设计课程不能改变这个计划. 计划转到NDSU的学生应联系室内设计课程协调员,以便在第一年之前或期间选择课程.